Glenn Miller - At Last!


In the Cockpit

Ever wondered what's it like in the cockpit of a streamliner at Bonneville?

Check this out!

Its a bit slow at the beginning....



1949 Ford....What if?

What if Ford in 1949 decided to do a stock car that looked like a custom. What would it look like? How would the family fit in a car as this?

I ran across this modified ad on a photoshop thread and I was extremely blown away by the work done on looks as if it WERE a car Ford was pushing for the public.

I have several more of these and will be posting them during the week....

I just love it!


1963 Cadillac Hearse Floor Repair

Floor rust repair being completed as we speak. This car was unfortunate to have been exposed to alot of water. But lucky for us, we are repairing the un-repairable.

This is the drivers side getting worked, its almost completed. Vintage Metal has even repaired the 'B' pillar to ensure structural integrity.

All panels were hand made.


You have to check this Out!

I love vintage cars, better yet, vintage car models.

You have to check these out! Simply Amazing! - click on the link!